Bosque Alto

At the programmatic level, the house is divided into three independent volumes linked by glass bridges as an interpretative way of an entrance hall, evoking Latin American colonial architecture.

At the programmatic level, the house is divided into three independent volumes linked by glass bridges as an interpretative way of an entrance hall, evoking Latin American colonial architecture.


The materiality of the house allows the construction of a sort of two facades: the exterior seeks to stand out from the chromatic excersise with the surrounding landscape; the metal facade is the protagonist over its geometry. The interior, on the other hand, is contested from the clarity and warmth


Volumetrically, the project avoids the need for ornament; it is a basic game, three gabled elements that result from the iconographic synthesis of a "house". In this sense, it allows experimenting with the volume as a block for the conformation of the courtyards in the lot.


Bosque Alto

In its interior, the volume allows to rethink the architectural section. The spatial hierarchization results from a play of heights, thus always ensuring that transitional spaces, such as corridors, allow visual and spatial openings in the higher category areas.


Bosque Alto

Again, the material chromaticism in the interior, through its contrasts, directs the visuals according to the interests of each space. Thanks of the architectural lighting, we take advantage of the roof that stands out from the black walls to allow the hierarchy in section.

The project can be understood as a "container house". Through this concept, housing is redefined through a modular and efficient approach, combining architectural versatility with sustainable practices. This allows for a wide range of configurations, adapting to the programmatic needs.

In this sense, if the architectural plan is reviewed, it is evident that the module manages to segment the non-compatible uses: the technical zone, the social zone and the private zone configured.

If the module and the programmatic segmentation are added together, it makes sense that the exterior also establishes landscape typologies; again, the courtyard as a typology reinforces the concept.

Bosque Alto


In synthesis, the geometric abstraction allows the execution of a rational architectural exercise: a lot distribution where landscape typologies are built, a program development where the idea of public and private is reinforced, a sequential development in its construction and spatial versatility from the same section.