

GP is located in the neighborhood of La Aguacatala in the city of Medellin, surrounded by low density projects whose uses have migrated from housing to institutional. GP is aware of this and seeks to respond to its surroundings, it is the reinterpretation of living, of the domestic in its built form


Materiality in the context

In its facades we find brick, concrete and steel; the relationship of masonry with the domestic is intentional and arises from the need to rescue traditional construction systems typical of the city; Medellin is the color of brick.


The project is developed under the condition of a lot in party walls on three of its facades, the most sensible thing to do is to separate them from their adjoining neighbors and take advantage of the visuals in its interior. It is from this architectural strategy that the project consists of a series of overlapping volumes, displaced in plan to build planters; the vegetation is the fourth material, its contribution is intangible and it is rational to recognize the tropic that constitutes its environment.


The tropics in contrast.

The architecture of the tropics is characterized by generating transitional spaces, and the bioclimatic strategies of the project are nourished by this. The sunlight is faced with metallic sunbreaks and vegetation, cross ventilation is achieved with open plan spaces, and the energy use is provided by the solar panels located on the roof. The project is understood as a subject located at an altitude of 1490 meters above sea level.


Of simple geometries, traditional construction, without pretending to be more than a new reading of the domestic, GP is the result of reinterpreting the heritage, to be critical in its forms and to build a temporary validity of a society in transition, transhumant and in constant transformation.



Inside, we find ourselves with a project that seeks to reinterpret institutional architecture. We are digital nomads; living and exercising are inseparable terms, therefore, the interior design of the GP is a construction as a whole, it seeks to be cozy and domestic: with terracotta colors, noble materials and giving a leading role to its metal structure, its scenographic value is recognized, while giving meaning to its condition as a technoconstructed element. The building seeks to be constructively, programmatically and socially efficient.